Digital Banking FAQs

Registration & login

Digital Banking: Registration & Login

Cloudflare is giving me an error. What could be causing this? 

Cloudflare errors are usually due to settings, add-ons, or plugins on your device or browser. Common causes include internet connection issues (VPN, poor service), outdated operating systems or browsers, stale cache data, and old equipment. Other potential causes are malware, anti-virus software, firewalls, infected devices, or JavaScript settings.

Cloudflare errors are determined before entering the Connexus Digital Banking platform and do not indicate a problem with Connexus Digital Banking or the Connexus App.

How do I troubleshoot a Cloudflare error?

Since the error is occurring in Cloudflare and not in the Connexus Digital Banking platform, we cannot tell you what is causing the error. Here are some steps you can take to resolve the Cloudflare issue.

  • Try using a different device, a different browser, or an incognito or private browser window.
  • Delete and reinstall the Connexus app.
  • Ensure that your device, browser, and/or mobile app are updated to the current version.
  • Try connecting to a different Wi-Fi network.
  • Turn off the VPN (Virtual Private Network) if you use one.
  • Clear your internet cache (cookies and other data).

Still having trouble? Call our Member Contact Center at 800.845.5025 and select Option 2 to speak with the Advanced Digital Support (ADS) team. The ADS team can guide you through the troubleshooting steps.

Please note that if the above steps don’t fix the error, the problem may be specific to your device and our team may not be able to provide assistance. If we cannot troubleshoot the problem, you may need to contact the support center specific to your device.

What is the “Cloudflare” verification box on the Digital Banking Login page? 

Cloudflare is a leading global cybersecurity company that can detect and stop unwanted bot attacks. Currently, 43% of the top 10,000 websites use Cloudflare’s services. Implemented with the Connexus Digital Banking Platform, Cloudflare confirms whether users are real and blocks bots. This additional layer of security helps keep your data safe from fraudsters and hackers. Cloudflare is an improved version of the traditional CAPTCHA security measures and cannot be disabled. For most users, this verification will succeed without any action on their part. A small number of users may encounter an error.

Pictured here is an example of the Cloudflare verification box that appears on the Digital Banking login page.

What are the advantages of using the different multifactor authentication methods?

Single-use code method: To use this method, a one-time code is sent to the phone number registered to your Digital Banking account. You can choose to get this code through a SMS message or a Voice call. Once you receive the code to your phone, you then enter it to log in to Digital Banking.

Time-based one-time password (TOTP) method: To use this method, you can choose any third-party authentication app to generate a login code. There is a one-time setup process if you wish to use this method. This method does not require waiting for a code to arrive; you can go to the authentication app and retrieve it. Many apps will also allow you to copy your code directly from the app and paste it to the login page.

Where can I find my member number?

Your member number is listed on the welcome letter you received in the mail when you opened your account with Connexus. You can also get your member number by calling 800.845.5025.

I can’t log in with my Android passcode. What should I do?

Logging in on an Android device with an Android passcode is no longer supported in the Connexus App. Please use your thumbprint, Face ID, or your username and password to log in.

My single-use code isn’t working. What should I do?

Your code may have expired. Single-use codes will expire after 24 hours. If you requested more than one security code, make sure you’re using the most recent one. If you still cannot verify your account actions, please call us at 800.845.5025.

I didn’t receive my single-use code. What should I do?

Ensure the phone number registered to your Digital Banking account is correct. Text codes can take a few minutes to arrive. Your single-use code may be delayed in the delivery due to connectivity issues. You can also request another single-use code. If you do, your previously requested code will become invalid.

Where do the single-use codes come from?

The SMS message or call for single-use codes will come from 717.204.4535. You can add that number to your Contacts so you know it’s from Connexus Credit Union. Please do not call or reply to text messages from this number. If you need to contact us, please call 800.845.5025.

Is using the single-use code method secure?

Yes, because it depends upon having access to the phone registered to your Digital Banking account.


Digital Banking: Accounts

What if I am still not sure about the transaction? How do I get more information?

Log into your Digital Banking account via a desktop computer. Click on the individual transaction and then click the “Help” link. Click on “I have a question about this transaction.” This will take you to the Message Center where you can request more information. You can also call the Member Contact Center at 800.845.5025.

What if the simplified transaction description is incorrect or unclear? Can I change it?

There are two transaction descriptions available: Simplified and Original. You can choose which of these appears on your account.

Start by accessing Digital Banking via a desktop computer. Once you’re in the list of transactions for the account, click on the individual transaction and then click the “Help” link. Click on “The transaction’s simple description is incorrect.” On the next screen, you can choose to display the Simplified Description or the Original Description in the list of transactions.

Please note that you cannot edit the description on mobile or within the Connexus App.

How can I view more details about a transaction?

To see your recent transactions:

  1. Log in to Digital Banking from any device.
  2. Select an account to see the transactions for that account.
  3. Tap on the individual transaction. It will open to the full details and original description.
Where can I find a list of my recent transactions?

To see your recent transactions, log in to Digital Banking from any device. Then, select an account from your Dashboard to see the transactions for that account.

Can I change the name of my account in Digital Banking?

Yes, to give your account a nickname, log in to Digital Banking from a computer (this cannot be done from a mobile device). Then, select the preferred account from your Dashboard. Once on the Accounts page, click on the pencil icon next to the name of the account to give your account a nickname.

What is Connexus’ routing number?

The routing number is 275982296.

Where can I find my account number?
To find your account number, log in to Digital Banking from any device. Select the preferred account from your Dashboard, and then select the Details tab. For checking accounts, the account number is listed as “Checking Account Number.” For savings accounts, the account number is listed as “Number.”

Mobile Deposit

Digital Banking: Mobile Deposit

Can I deposit checks from other countries?

Only checks issued from financial institutions headquartered in the United States are able to be deposited through Mobile Deposit.

Are there any kinds of checks not allowed (government-issue, cashier’s check, etc.)?

The following are examples of items that are not permitted and will not be processed:

  • Cash, money orders, bonds, or non-negotiable items
  • Checks made payable to “Cash”
  • Checks that have been altered, post-dated, stale-dated, or are incomplete
  • Checks drawn on a foreign financial institution or in a foreign currency
  • Checks that do not have a payer signature and/or are not endorsed
  • Third-party, starter kit, or traveler’s checks
  • Other items as per our sole discretion
Can I deposit money orders with Mobile Deposit?

No, money orders cannot be processed through Mobile Deposit.

Are funds deposited with Mobile Deposit available immediately?

You will see your Mobile Deposit funds posted to your account immediately, but standard check holds may apply depending on factors such as the dollar amount and type of check.

What do I do with the physical check after I deposit it with Mobile Deposit? Do I have to keep it? If so, for how long?

Per the Mobile Deposit disclosure, you agree to securely store and provide limited access to original check item(s) for a minimum of 60 calendar days.

How do I endorse my check for Mobile Deposit?

Sign the back of your check and write the phrase “For Mobile Deposit Only at Connexus.” This new requirement is the result of a regulatory change across all financial institutions. Its purpose is to help prevent fraud.

What are the requirements to qualify to use Mobile Deposit?

To use Mobile Deposit, you must have a Connexus checking or savings account, and your accounts must be less than 60 days delinquent or overdrawn.

Is there a limit to how many checks I can deposit each day?

There is no limit to how many checks can be deposited each day.

Is there a daily limit on how much I can deposit?

Yes. Daily deposit limits start at $2,500. If you need assistance with your limit, please contact the Member Contact Center at 800.845.5025.

Bill Pay

Digital Banking: Bill Pay

My credit card payment was returned. Why?

It’s likely your card number was changed recently. You may have to update your card number/account number for your payment to reflect your updated card/account.

Can I edit or add a payee from the Connexus App?

Currently, the Connexus App makes it appear as though edits to payees have been saved even though they have not. For this reason, please do not attempt to edit an existing payee. If you need to edit any details of an existing payee, please log in to Bill Pay on a desktop computer and add the payee as a new payee with the updated information.

I am locked out of Bill Pay. What do I need to do?

You must contact our Member Contact Center:

When I pay a bill using Bill Pay, what is the difference between payment date and process date?

The payment date is the date we estimate your payment will arrive. Please note that payments made via mailed check may arrive a day or two earlier or later than our estimated payment date depending on the current mail volume of the USPS.

If your payment is being made electronically, the process date is the date we will deduct funds from your account. If your payment is being made via mailed check, the process date is the date the check will be mailed, and we will deduct the funds from your account once the payee cashes the check. The payment must process early enough to allow for delivery to the payee.

I hid a bill payee from view. How can I unhide it?

Yes. At the bottom of your Bill Pay dashboard, you will see a blue link that reads, “View all payees.” Simply click that link to view the payees you have hidden. Next, click on the name of the specific payee you wish to unhide, and then click “Manage.” From there, you will see a toggle button that reads “Active/Inactive.” Click the toggle to “Active.”

Can I hide a bill payee from view?

Yes. To hide a payee, click on the payee name on the Bill Pay dashboard, and then click “Manage.” From there, you will see a toggle button that reads “Active/Inactive.” To hide the payee from view, click the toggle to “Inactive.”

I have a bill payee where the money is currently mailed by check. Can I change this to send electronically?

Yes. Please call us at 800.845.5025 and we’ll be happy to work with our Bill Pay provider to see if this change can be made. Keep in mind, the payee must be able to receive electronic payments for this change to occur.

How do I cancel a payment?

To cancel a payment made via mailed check, please call the Member Contact Center at 800.845.5025.

To cancel an electronic payment on the day it is scheduled to be sent, please call the Member Contact Center at 800.845.5025 prior to 3 PM CT. We’ll be happy to cancel your payment so long as it has not yet been processed.

To cancel a payment that is scheduled to be sent one or more days in the future, use the Bill Pay widget online. To do so, go to the Scheduled tab, and then click on the trash can icon located next to the payment you wish to cancel, underneath the calendars. If you don’t see a trash can icon or if you receive an error when you attempt to cancel a payment, please contact the Member Contact Center at 800.845.5025

Can I stop a payment if I find it shouldn’t have been sent?

If your payment has not yet been processed, you may be able to cancel it. While a stop payment fee of $9 is applied to any cancellation of a payment made via check that has already been mailed, cancellations of electronic and not-yet-processed check payments are free.

Are there monthly, daily, or per transaction limits?
Yes. Payments to a business, bank, or credit union have a per-transaction limit of $9,999.99 and no daily or monthly limit. Payments to individuals have a per-transaction limit of $1,500, a daily limit of $3,000, and no monthly limit. Please note that these limits cannot be adjusted on a per-user basis. Depending on where payments are being sent, they will either be deposited electronically or via mailed check.

Account notifications

Digital Banking: Account Notifications

Where can I choose to receive my notifications?
You can customize your alerts to be sent by email, text, and/or push notification.
Can I set up multiple notifications?
Yes. There are several notifications you can choose to enable. There’s no limit to how many you can enable at once.


Digital Banking: Balance Peek

What wearable devices are compatible with Snapshot?
While wearable devices are not currently supported by the new Connexus App, they will be in the future. Please stay tuned!
What mobile devices are compatible with Snapshot?
To use Snapshot, you need to be running one of the two most recent versions of either iOS or Android on your smartphone.
Will Snapshot work on my laptop or tablet?
Snapshot is only available for Apple® and Android™ smartphones. Laptops and tablets are not compatible with Snapshot.

Balance Peek Additional Questions

If more than one member sets up Snapshot for their accounts on the same device, which accounts will be displayed in Snapshot?
Snapshot will show the selected accounts for the member who most recently logged in to the Connexus App.
How many accounts can I see in Snapshot?
All accounts will be shown in Snapshot.


Digital Banking: Transfers

I want to make sure my scheduled transfers are scheduled the way I want them. Is there any way I can validate?

On desktop, after you schedule your transfers, click on the “Scheduled” tab to view a calendar of the current month and the next two months. The orange-colored dots denote days on which at least one transfer will be made. To view details on individual transfers, click on a colored dot.

In the Connexus App, click on “Make a Transfer” under the Transfers & Payments menu. Your scheduled transfers and transfer history will be listed together below “Make a Transfer”.

Is there a fee associated with transfers?
No. There is no fee to make an internal or external transfer. However, there may be a fee charged if an external transfer is returned to Connexus.
Can I schedule transfers to be made at a later date?
Yes. You will choose a date and frequency when setting up your transfer.
Are there monthly, daily, or per-transaction limits on external transfers?

Yes. Transfer limits vary based on several factors and may change over time. To view your current limits, click on “Limits” at the bottom of the Transfers page in Digital Banking. If you have questions regarding limits, please contact the Member Contact Center at 800.845.5025.


When does Digital Banking maintenance generally occur?
Scheduled maintenance generally occurs between 11:59 PM CT and 4:00 AM CT on Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays. On the last day of each month, scheduled maintenance always occurs from 9:30 PM CT to 12:00 AM CT. Maintenance also occasionally occurs on other days during non-peak usage times. During scheduled maintenance, Digital Banking will be unavailable and a temporary maintenance page will appear.